CSA Box Content Pictures

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Most Wednesdays we transplant new seedlings out into the field.
On average we plant about 1,000 per week!

In the morning, the cart is loaded up with trays to go out into the field.  Each of these trays has 200 plants each.  This week was mostly lettuce and boc choy.

Here is Gail and Fedrico "popping the seedlings out".  They poke a pencil into the bottom of each plant cell to loosen it so it can be easily removed without damaging it.

Next the rows are marked off where to plant.  A 4 prong rake with used to make lines 6" apart for the planting rows.  Cain made this rake just for this purpose. A drip tape goes in between the rows, so each row will be only 3" away from the tape.

After the rows are marked 6" apart, "columns" or plant spacing is marked off at 6" also. We plant all the lettuce and boc choy on these 4-row 6"-grid patterns.

Then the seedlings are transplanted.  No impersonal machine transplanting at Ananda Valley Farm, just happy transplanters!

See how this row looks several weeks later.  These lettuce plants are quite happy with their treatment and personalized care.

 Here are photos of other happy transplanters from previous weeks.

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