CSA Box Content Pictures

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Farm News July 5, 2015


Farm News, July 5, 2015

Hey, what's likely to be in my CSA box this week?

Heirloom Tomatoes, the first of the season, from Ananda Community in Mt. View
Peaches, the first of the season, from Ananda Community in Mt.View
Lemon Cucumbers, from Ananda Community in Mt. View
Slicing Cucumber, the first of the season
Butter lettuce, the first of the season
Winter Density lettuce
Yellow Squash
Flowering Bok Choi - a delicacy in Asian cuisine
Strawberries (in family boxes)
Japanese cucumber, the first of the season (in family boxes)
Eggplant, from Ananda Community in Mt. View (in family boxes)
Broccoli (in family boxes)
Cauliflower (in family boxes)


• CSA box deliveries seem to be going well. If you ever need to change where you wish to pick up your box, just give a text to Art at 650-740-8478. So you don’t have to remember it, that number will now be available on the “Contact Us” tab of the AnandaValleyFarm.org website. 
• If you are one of those who pick up your produce at the Farm itself, the pickup times are changing to an earlier time on Saturday, 1 - 2:30 pm. Otherwise text to make special arrangements. 
• In all locations, thanks for signing out your box on the clipboard. It helps our ability to follow up if any problems arise.
• Don’t forget to return your empty boxes (especially those of you picking up at the Temple Piazza!) and Ananda Valley Farm produce bags. We need them to get you your next week’s harvest!  


As can be seen in your CSA box, the Farm is finally having some true “hot weather” crops ripen for harvest. First time entrants into your box this week include heirloom tomatoes, peaches, and two kinds of cucumbers. These days, a big help is coming from the Ananda Community in Mt. View, where many from our Ananda congregation members live side by side. The gardens there have been actively cultivated for over 20 years, and are lovingly tended with sustainable permaculture methods. Amara (right) and Ramani (left) have been the guiding lights for that site for some time now. Here they are planting one of their favorite fruit trees, with the Farm’s seedling manager, Eric, between them.  

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Our next Farm Adventure Days for kids is coming up the week of July 20 - 25. Only a few more spots are available. To sign up, register at anandavalleyfarm.com/kids/.

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In order to see the photos from the last Farm Adventure Days, copy and paste into your browser: “https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1635380840007855.1073741833.1424913351054606&type=3.” Then you can see for yourself just how much fun they had!

Blessings, and Joy!
Biraj and Lahari
for the Ananda Valley Farm team